Conosciuta anche come "rare bird of fashion" Iris Apfel, classe 1921, rimane una delle persone più influenti nel mondo della moda.
Il suo stile curioso, colorato, la sua passione per gli accessori, gli immancabili occhiali alla Mr Magoo, sono stati elementi fondamentali per permettere ad Albert Maysles di girare il suo nuovo film Iris.
Il film, uscito a New York il 29 Aprile e oggi a Los Angeles, tratta della parte più intima di Iris, andando oltre al suo stile.
Iris Apfel è nata nel Queens durante il crollo di Wall Street ed essendo figlia unica, spesso trovava riparo nella sua stessa creatività. Dopo il matrimonio con Carl Apfel, i due fondarono la Old World Weavers, impresa tessile che arrivò anche ad arredare la Casa Bianca durante il mandato di ben nove presidenti. Donna intraprendente, la Apfel si è sempre data da fare lavorando sia per Robert Goodman, noto illustratore di moda, che per Women's Wear Daily.
Oggi tra le sue collaborazioni ricordiamo una capsule collection per e per MAC Cosmetics. Ralph Lauren nel 2006 si ispirò alla Apfel per la sua collezione autunno-inverno e Dries Van Noten spesso si ispira allo stile imponente della sua amica Iris.
"The world's oldest living teenager", come lei stessa si descrive, è l’esempio di una vita originale, colorata e seguita da continui tintinnii dei suoi immancabili bracciali perchè "more is more and less is a bore"
Also known as the "rare bird of fashion", Iris Apfel, born in 1921, still is one of the most influent persons in the fashion industry. Her odd sense of style, her passion for accessories, the inevitable Mr. Magoo-style glasses, were the essential elements which allowed Albert Maysles to shoot his new film 'Iris'.
The film, which came out in New York the 29th of April and today in Los Angeles, deals with the more intimate sphere of Iris's life, surpassing her style.
Iris Apfel was born in Queens during the crash of Wall Street and, since she was an only child, she often had to find a shelter in her own creativity. After the marriage to Carl Apfel, the two established the Old Word Weavers, a textile firm which even decorated the White House during the mandate of nine presidents. Resourceful woman, Apfel has always been a real workaholic, both while working for Robert Goodman, famous fashion illustrator, and for Women's Wear Daily.
Among her collaborations we remind a capsule collection for and for MAC Cosmetics. In 2006 Ralph Lauren got inspiration for his Autumn Winter collection from Iris Apfel, and Dries Van Noten often gets inspiration from her friend Iris's opulent style.
Also known as the "rare bird of fashion", Iris Apfel, born in 1921, still is one of the most influent persons in the fashion industry. Her odd sense of style, her passion for accessories, the inevitable Mr. Magoo-style glasses, were the essential elements which allowed Albert Maysles to shoot his new film 'Iris'.
The film, which came out in New York the 29th of April and today in Los Angeles, deals with the more intimate sphere of Iris's life, surpassing her style.
Iris Apfel was born in Queens during the crash of Wall Street and, since she was an only child, she often had to find a shelter in her own creativity. After the marriage to Carl Apfel, the two established the Old Word Weavers, a textile firm which even decorated the White House during the mandate of nine presidents. Resourceful woman, Apfel has always been a real workaholic, both while working for Robert Goodman, famous fashion illustrator, and for Women's Wear Daily.
Among her collaborations we remind a capsule collection for and for MAC Cosmetics. In 2006 Ralph Lauren got inspiration for his Autumn Winter collection from Iris Apfel, and Dries Van Noten often gets inspiration from her friend Iris's opulent style.
She describes herself as "The world's oldest living teenager", as example of an original and colourful life, constantly followed by the jingles of her bracelets, because "more is more, and less is a bore".
Maria Vittoria Acampa
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